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Survivor’s Story

Survivor's Story

A Holistic Healing Journey: Week 3

Join us for week 3 of our Holistic Healing Journey installment with Gena Bradshaw, a two-time cancer survivor and author of “A Survivor’s Story: A Holistic Healing Journey Through Cancer.” This week, we dive into the crucial role of community in maintaining mental health, particularly during tough times.  

The Power of Community in Mental Health

Gena shares her insights on how connecting with others can profoundly impact our well-being and offers practical advice on building a supportive network. As we navigate the complexities of modern isolation and the digital age, understanding the value of community has never been more essential.

The Necessity of Human Connection

We are beings that are not meant to be isolated, our brain and body doesn’t like being disconnected from people. Think about it from a survivor’s story standpoint.  Our ancestors were in tribes and communities.  They needed each other for supplies and help to just survive. Our brains have not forgotten this, however because of the digital age, it has created more isolation than ever, and our overall health is worse than it’s ever been, disease is at an all-time high, coincidence… I think not.

Community as a Pillar of Health

Community boosts our own survivor’s story.   It gives us a sense of purpose, and when you are having a bad day, someone from your community will always give you what you need.   The community spirit speaks through so you can gain the wisdom needed and shift your energy.

Building a Supportive Network

Building a supportive network is crucial.  Start finding things you are interested in…cooking, hiking, tennis, meditation, etc.  And then take action to find a community that is out there to join.  If not create, then create your own!  That’s why I started Holistic Human Performance.  You never know where it will lead you and it may help you to find what you’re meant to do in this life.

Come back next week as we wrap up our holistic healing journey.  Learn how Gena has applied these perspectives to her daily life.


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