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Survivor’s Story

Survivor's Story

A Holistic Healing Journey:  Week 2

Join us for week 2 of our Holistic Healing Journey installment with Gena Bradshaw, a two-time cancer survivor and author of “A Survivors Story: A Holistic Healing Journey Through Cancer.” This week this survivor’s story continues and is about staying informed while also protecting your peace to avoid being overwhelmed and burnt-out.

In our quest for optimal health, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant influx of new research and wellness strategies. How do we sift through this barrage of information without losing our mental peace?

The Role of Meditation in Health

Meditation was really my first entry way into this lifestyle, I have always meditated but not in the “typical” style you would envision. I was an athlete my whole life, and visualization was a part of that life, little did I know this was one of the many forms of meditation. It helped me tremendously throughout my athletic career, why not apply it to everyday life?

Scientific Backing of Meditation

Now I don’t go a day without it, it’s changed my entire life, the peace, the wisdom, the healing that comes from it, you almost can’t explain it. But science can, if you are familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza, his research shows that when we make change within our energy, it changes our thoughts, which changes our emotions, which changes our physiology, which changes our health and lives because now we act differently and that is where true change starts. Meditation is the tool that he has shown the scientific evidence that proves this practice can change everything in our lives for the better. Can’t hurt right?

Maintaining Mental Peace Amidst Information Overload

Protecting your peace is number one, what I have learned is that when you allow the external noise of the world to enter your inner world, this is where problems arise, like decline in health. The keys; boundaries and knowing thy self. Part of what I do is to help people understand and know themselves so well that they can ask, “what do I need in this moment in this time?” and the answer just comes to them because they trust they have reconnected back to their body and its wisdom. When you can do that, the external noise means nothing because nobody knows your body better than you, and the sooner you start to get to know it, the sooner your life will change.   That’s how you begin to tell your survivor’s story.



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