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Ask Ron Villano
Need a boost to turn around all the negativity coming at you from social media, the news, and others? This month’s Ask Ron Villano offers positivity tips to help you make simple changes to routines and embrace upbeat living.

Dear Ron —

I’m already working on my new year’s goal of being more positive but I can wake up feeling good about the day and then when the world begins to hit me, I find it hard to keep the focus going. Traffic, news, co-workers, customers… I find that their negativity brings me down. What tips and tricks do you have to help me keep my mind in the right and bright direction. — Negative Nelly.

Dear Nelly —

I certainly agree that there is so much around us which tries to push into our minds… so much so that it’s hard to stop it. So that means we have to grab onto our own power to create a shield or buffer zone to work with it while living in it.   Check out these positivity tips you can try today:

Local Matters!

My first tip: start your day watching local news, rather than stations that cover such large regions. Often local news gives you what you need to navigate in your local world rather than in places which are out of your scope, and concern, of living.

Time to Breathe

Next: incorporate “breathing” time all through your day. A quick 2 – 3 minute quiet time allows the mind to release and relax. Set a “breathe” alarm or timer to remind yourself of this new habit and soon you mind will start looking for these resets.

Ban News in the Car

Another great tip: listen to anything else other than news radio in the car. Music, audio books, comedy radio and other upbeat stations sets a better tone in your mind for dealing with traffic.

Take out the negativity

And finally my last positivity tip is an exercise to do when sending emails. Avoid using negative language. Change words from “no” “don’t” “shouldn’t” and the like to positive sentences. Example: “We’re sorry our product did not meet your expectations” changes to “We had hoped our product would have met your expectations and we are sorry to hear you would like to return it to us.” Words, spoken or thought, have a powerful way to pull on our subconscious thinking so by keeping them positive, we can start forming a new mental foundation.
Ask Ron Villano, a syndicated advice column, gives you plain talk about life’s situations written by FPC Founder/Director Ron Villano, LMHC, ASAC, CCH.   Send your questions to:
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