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Tips for Navigating the First Month of School

A month into the school year, both parents and children are adjusting to new routines and expectations. Now is the time to check in and ensure your child is settling in well, and to reinforce the support systems that help make their school experience positive. Here are some tips for both kids and parents to navigate this transitional period successfully.

Re-evaluate Morning and Evening Routines

A month in is a great time to assess how your morning and evening routines are supporting your child’s school day. Are mornings overly stressful? Maybe try implementing some slow start activities to your typical routine. Turn on cozy music and lighting, share a cup of tea with your child, or take a few minutes to do a quick morning stretch. Trying to get your kid out the door can feel a little like you’re wrangling headless chickens sometimes, so aim to start the day with a bit of calm.

 Address Any School Anxieties

After a few weeks, initial jitters should be calming down. If your child is still feeling anxious about school, talk about their worries and brainstorm solutions together. Sometimes, discussing their day over a snack or planning playdates with classmates can ease their concerns. If your child is struggling with leaving you in the morning, come up with a plan for after school. What will you do together? What will you make for dinner? Giving them something concrete to look forward to may help.

Foster Independence

Encourage your child to take on small responsibilities if they haven’t already, such as packing their school bag or laying out their clothes for the next day. These tasks help build confidence and independence, essential skills for school success. This also helps if you find you’re opening their lunch box at the end of the day to find it hardly touched- Kids tend to be more interested in their food if they’re part of making it!

Back to School

As both you and your child navigate this first month, remember that it’s a learning curve for everyone. It might take a bit of trial and error, so find what works for your family. Regular check-ins, ongoing support, and active involvement are key to helping your child thrive throughout the school year.


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